Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Most recent restaurant inspections - Bend Bulletin

Highest scoring

Sun Java: 100

AK’s Tea Room: 100

Dutch Bros Coffee Co. (NE Third St.): 100

Tetherow Event Pavilion: 100

St. Charles Medical Center (Redmond): 100

Mill Inn Bed and Breakfast: 100

Bogey’s Burgers (Redmond): 100

Timber’s Bar and Grill (North): 100

The Belfry: 100

Rockhard: 100

Aerie Cafe: 100

Eagle Crest Conference Center: 100

Eagle Crest: Ridge Golf Shop: 100

Christie’s Kitchen: 100

Lowest scoring

Sora Sushi Restaurant: 75 — Bottle of Gorilla Glue on shelf above prep refrigerator and open foods. Open Starbucks coffee bottle on prep line, open covered drinking glass near dish machine. Sushi on room temperature conveyor belt has different time decals for same product which was produced at same time. Some products have no time decal. Hand sink has hose attached and is unstable. Walk-in hand sink has no soap. No thermometer in glass door cooler.

Citizen Bar and Kitchen: 83 — Cured, uncooked salmon inset is stored with ready-to-eat food insets in prep refrigerator. No consumer advisory in menu which includes burgers and steaks cooked to order. No soap available at bar hand sink. No paper towels at bar hand sink and empty dispenser at kitchen hand sink.

Valentine’s Deli: 86 — Large prep cooler at 50 degrees. Open soda cans in kitchen. Turkey, roast beef and chicken are not date marked. Front display cooler thermometer reads 17 degrees when it is actually 41 degrees. Wooden spoon in kitchen.

Redmond Burger Company: 87 — Observed cook breaking egg yolk with finger and not washing hands before returning to work. Raw eggs stored above ready-to-eat food in reach-in. Raw egg stored above ready-to-eat food in walk-in. No one knew if they were the person in charge when inspector arrived.

Olde Towne Pizza Company: 88 — Open bottle of water and cup of soda in kitchen. Breadsticks are not covered at front counter. Ice scoop is stored in dirty container. Soda dispensing machine with ice is draining onto bucket on floor.

Health inspections were conducted by the Deschutes County Public Health Department and reflect violations observed at inspection. The violations can range from general sanitation and maintenance to violations that have a direct connection to preventing foodborne illness to violations in procedures by maintenance that control the risk of foodborne illness, such as documentation, labeling, personnel training and equipment.

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http://www.bendbulletin.com/lifestyle/6788686-151/most-recent-restaurant-inspections 2018-12-25 11:50:00Z

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