Wednesday, December 26, 2018

December restaurant reports - Cleveland Daily Banner

The Bradley County Health Department inspects restaurants and grades the businesses on a 100-point scale. Priority violations require correction measures immediately; if not possible, then the priority violations must be corrected within 10 days. Once corrected, the restaurant will receive the points back for the violation. Restaurants are reinspected if they fail to meet critical standards. The scores are original and do not reflect on-the-spot changes, which sometimes lead to upward adjustments. If follow-up scores are available at the time of publication, they will be included. If inspections are supplied to the Cleveland Daily Banner at the end of the prior month but after publication of the monthly report, they will be published in the next month's report.

Scores can be found online at

Scores from the month of December:

95 — 1st Baptist Church Kitchen, 1275 Stuart Road

81— 19th Hole, 345 Kyle Lane — No hand washing signs in restrooms, hand washing sink used to wash fruit, microwave interior in disrepair, soiled dishes stored as clean, made-in-house sauce held longer than seven days, consumer advisory and disclosure not provided.

91 —Bear Brew Coffee, 90 North Ocoee St.

92 — Bear’s Den BBQ, 130 Highway 64 E.

90 —Bojangles, 1410 25th St. N.W.

78 —BPOE Lodge 1944 Restaurant, 235 2nd St. — Utensils stored dirty, cooked meat/sliced tomatoes/lettuce in refrigerator not date marked, Windex stored on prep table and chemical bottle at dishwasher not labeled.

84— Bradford’s BBQ, 761 Ocoee St. — No hand washing signs in kitchen or restroom hand washing sink, opened/prepped/cooked temperature/time control foods held more than 24 hours and not date marked, observed temperature/time control for safety cooked ground beef being mixed with older cooked ground beef from previous days, soft cheese stored longer than the 7 day discard.

100—Broad Street Methodist Church Kitchen, 155 Central Ave. N.W.

90 —Buffalo Wild Wings No. 340, 625 Paul Huff Parkway

100 —Bulldogs Push Cart, 260 Benwood Trail

55 —Burrell Auction Snack Bar, 6436 Bates Pike S.E. — Several non-employees and children in kitchen, improper employee drinks in kitchen, improper hand washing procedures-touching raw meats, touching hair, face and money, only hand washing sink blocked, well water has not been checked in the last year, rodent droppings in food containers stored as clean, soiled dishes stored as clean, no sanitizer in wet wiping cloth containers or three comp sink, all temperature/time control for safety food not properly hot holding or cold holding, toxic chemicals not labelled properly after removal from original containers, improper sanitizer used to sanitize dishes.

72 —Burrito Xpress, 525 Inman St. W. —Person in charge does not know reheat temperatures, open drink cups being used in food prep area, Dipping cooked rice with a plate and using bare hands to scrape excess to storage container, improper cooling of refried beans, improper cold holding of corn with tomatoes, medicine stored with food, floor cleaner not labelled.

97 —Captain D’s, 4620 North Lee Highway

92 —Central Park, 395 Inman St.

84 —Charleston Elementary Cafeteria, Hiwassee St. - Person in charge not knowledgeable about employee health and couldn’t locate policy, no sanitizer in wet wiping cloth or 3 comp sink, was using degreaser as a sanitizer, toxic chemicals and mop equipment improperly stored.

100 —Cleveland Country Club Lg, 345 Kyle Lane

98-Cleveland Country Club Restaurant, 345 Kyle Lane

81-Cracker Barrel No. 21, 1650 Clingan Ridge Drive N.W. - Employee touched RTE eggs with bare hands, turkeys cooling 20 hours at 46-49 degrees, turkeys thawing for around 2 hours at 32-58 degrees, unlabeled spray bottle of sanitizer.

86 —El Cazador, 2299 Keith St.

98 —El Maguey Bar, 3700 Michigan Ave. Road

82 —El Maguey, 3700 Michigan Ave. Road - Food container damaged with hole, improper salsa cooling, made-in-house heat treated sauce with veggies not cold held properly, several chemicals stored in clear bottles without labels.

93 —Farmhouse Restaurant, 2260 Harrison Pike

65 —Fazoli’s, 4550 North Lee Highway — Person in charge not effectively managing conditions or knowledgable about employee health, employee with recent burn on wrist-unable to change gloves properly, food debris in bandage cloth visible, no sanitizer in wet wiping cloths, heavy buildup inside slushy machine, soiled dishes stored as clean, lettuce not properly cold held, improper cold held temperatures, chemicals not properly identified in clear bottles.

95 —Five Guys Burger & Fries, 124 Stuart Road

95 —Five Point Cafe, 105 Edward St.

90—Flealand Snack Bar, 5527 East Waterlevel Highway

83 —Gabriel’s, 2625 Keith St. —Improper hand washing procedures, made-in-house garlic oil dressing not cold held properly

83 —Golden Corral, 350 Stuart Road — No soap at hand sink at waitress station, smoked chicken cooking temperature not reached in allotted cooking time —thermometer to be used going forward, improper turkey cooling for 14 hours instead of required 6 hours, beans/ham/and mini burgers hold holding/internal temp not hot enough.

76— Habanero’s, 120 Ocoee St. — Improper employee drinks in kitchen, heavily dented cans of tomato sauce, improper cold hold temperature of made-in-house salsa, no date marking on foods stored more than 24 hours with a 7-day discard.

76 —Hardee’s-Ducktown, Route 1 — Improper employee drinks in kitchen, improper hand washing procedures, front reach-in cooler was 43 degrees.

81 —Hibachi Express-Dalton Pike, 2558 Dalton Pike — Improper employee drinks in food prep area, dishwasher not dispensing sanitizer, prep table was used to prep raw chicken-cleaned with soap, not sanitizer.

82 — Impressions, 840 Stuart Road — Opened leafy greens and cooked pork not date marked, no consumer advisory for public, chemical bottle labelled water with all purpose cleaner in the bottle.

100 —Inn on the Greenway Kitchen, 1411 Stuart Ave.

80 —Jenkins Deli, 2390 Spring Creek Blvd. — Person in charge does not demonstrate food safety knowledge, hot holding for soup and made-in-house marinara and cheese sauces not reaching required temperatures, improper cooling methods for chicken rice soup and broccoli cheddar soup, no date marking on foods stored more than 24 hours with a 7-day discard for cooked chicken, cooked veggies and soup.

81 —Krystal No. CLV001, 2510 Keith St. - No hot water at front handsink, damaged eggs in top tray, improper raw shell egg holding in ice before use.

95 —La Altena Mexican Restaurant, 2311 Treasury Drive

80 —La Quinta Breakfast, 130 Interstate Drive - Person in charge did not know hot-holding requirement, hand sink filled with bucket and dirty rags, sausage patties and sliced ham not up to hot holding temperatures, cream cheese in container that was frozen, glass cleaner stored on food prep/storage area.

75 —Las Margaritas VIII, 1647 25th St. N.W. - Person charge did not know hot-holding requirement, uncovered raw shrimp store under uncovered raw chicken, queso not at hot holding temperature requirement, ground beef prepared on 11/20 still in cooler for use-1 day past 7 day holding.

92 —Lasaters Coffee & Tea, 2450 Spring Creek Blvd. N.E.

94 —Lee University-Subway, 120 11th St., Lee University N.E.

85 —Marco’s Pizza, 143 Stuart Road

89 —Monterrey Mexican Restaurant, 3055 Keith St. N.W.

80 —N’awlins, 2595 Georgetown Road — employee touched mouth portion of employee drinks from previous night-did not wash hands and put on gloves to handle chips without washing hands, handled raw hamburger then removed gloves and did not wash hands before putting on new gloves to handle bread, green bean casserole/noodles/queso/spinach dip all

90 —The New Life Community Kitchen, 155 South Ocoee St.

93 —O’Charley’s No. 249, 148 Paul Huff Parkway N.W.

99 —O’Charley’s Bar No. 249, 148 Paul Huff Parkway N.W.

93 —Olive Garden Bar No. 1893, 4499 Keith St.

77 —Olive Garden No. 1893, 4499 Keith St. — Improper hand washing procedures involving handling of chemicals and food, hand washing sink used to wash utensils, soiled utensils stored as clean, improper cooling technique for 5lbs. pasta, improper cold holding temperatures, Alfredo sauce with no 7-day hold date discarded.

97 —Panera Bread, 375 Paul Huff Pkwy

99 —Pizza Hut Delivery, 165 Stuart Rd., Unit No. B3

79 —Savannah Oaks Catering, 1817 Delano Rd. - Person in charge does not demonstrate food safety knowledge, well water from June 2018 is positive-discarded 2 lemons and 20 lbs. of potatoes contaminated by water, dishwasher not reaching minimum 160 degrees, made-in-house gravy stored in cooler past 7-day discard date: 5 lbs. discarded, made-in-house pasta salad/made-in-house gravy/and several sauces not marked with a 7-day discard label were discarded.

88 —Sonic Drive-In No. 4041, 3115 Waterlevel Highway

91 —Spooney’s, 730 Inman St.

71 —Stadium BBQ, 773 Keith St. — Person in charge does not demonstrate food safety knowledge, no drying provisions at hand washing sink in kitchen, hot water knob broken, hand washing sink being used as prep sink, no sanitizer in wet wiping cloth containers, metal containers not changed every day, soiled dishes stored as clean, required reheat/hot holding temperatures not attained, 10 lbs. collard greens and 10 lbs. cooked meats stored in cooler past the 7 day hold date discarded, cooked brisket/made-in-house sauce/made-in-house potato salad/cooked pulled pork/cooked chicken from 5 days ago and cooked wings and cooked turkey from 7 days ago stored in cooler for use.

95 —TBow’s Tavern, 1585 Spring Place Road

95 —Taco Bell No. 029028, 4530 North Lee Highway

84 —The Copper Station, 1529 Highway 68 - Improper hand washing procedures, soiled dishes stored as clean, dishwasher not properly sanitizing, cold hold not holding at 41 degrees-5 lbs made-in-house pizza sauce discarded, made-in-house ranch/pasta/caesar dressing stored in cooler not date marked for 7 day discard.

96 —The Crepe Outdoors, 850 Stuart Road

95 —The Plaza Cafe, 3500 Keith St.

78 —Tres Hermanos, 2502 Ocoee St. - Person in charge does not demonstrate food safety knowledge, improper hand washing procedures, food handled without gloves or utensils, soiled dishes stored as clean, front reach-in cooler not cold holding properly.

100 —Two Women in a Kitchen mobile unit, 1895 Sandra Drive

100 —Unity Center Kitchen, 685 Benton Pike

97 —Walker Arena Concessions —Lee University, 1120 North Ocoee St.

95 —Zaxby’s No. 04201, 2481 Treasury Drive

Let's block ads! (Why?),91914 2018-12-26 11:48:00Z

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