Restaurant safety is a three-way partnership with customers, owners and inspectors
Comments are taken directly from the latest Thurston County inspection reports, which are available at each food establishment, at the Thurston County Environmental Health Office and their website at co.thurston.wa.us/health/ehfood. For questions concerning these reports, contact the health office at 360-867-2667.
Reading inspection scores:
▪ Attention should be given to the type of violation (red versus blue) and whether the restaurant has a history of red violations or repeat violations.
▪ Red violations are those most likely to cause food-borne illness and must be corrected immediately if feasible or according to a compliance schedule established by the health officer. Example: not keeping food at the right temperature.
▪ Blue violations relate to the overall cleanliness and condition of operation and must be corrected according to a compliance schedule established by the health officer. Example: a worn floor that needs replacing.
1313 Cooper Point Road SW
March 29: 10 red; 5 blue
Comments: Cooked jalapeno cheddar stuffed Johnsonville brats in deli coffin 50/201 at 48-49 F. Potentially hazardous foods must be held at 41 F and below. Corrected: Brats stacked four layers deep, reduce volume to allow air flow and monitor temperatures frequently. Top two layers moved to walk-in. Raw shelled eggs stored over ready-to-eat hard boiled eggs in dairy cooler on U-boat. Raw animal proteins must be stored below and away from ready-to-eat foods. Corrected: Shelled eggs moved.
Charlie’s Bar & Grill
620 Fourth Ave. E
March 27: 0 red; 5 blue
Comments: Men’s restroom door not self-closing as required. Providing 1-2 spring hinges is one method. Complete work by April 27.
421 Fourth Ave. E
March 27: 5 red; 0 blue
Comments: Only current bartender has food worker card. Take a clear copy of other workers’ current cards, send to inspector by April 10.
Panera Bread
2525 Capital Mall Drive SW
March 22: 10 red; 0 blue
Comments: REPEAT: Four food worker cards missing. All employees must obtain valid food worker card within two weeks of hire. Correction: Obtain within two weeks. REPEAT: Multiple items in lower drawers of front sandwich prep cooler above 41 F (chicken salad, cheese). All potentially hazardous foods must be held below 41 F. Correction: Foods were voluntarily discarded. Specific drawers in unit have been a consistent problem in unit, either repair/replace or use for non-potentially hazardous foods only. Facility uses ice baths to cool soups at the end of the day. Cooling logs are required for this process to ensure foods are cooled in adequate time frame. Garbage area needs more frequent inspection/cleaning.
Adam’s Market
324 Fourth Ave. E
March 22: 10 red; 0 blue
Comments: REPEAT: For third year, no paper towels in restroom. Corrected.
The Gyro Spot
317 Fourth Ave. E
March 22: 0 red; 2 blue
Comments: REPEAT: Like last year, kitchen and dishwasher has large pits in particleboard floor. Per PIC, remodel (dishwasher room floor, kitchen floor) is in progress, including other area’s in building. Replacement floor must be durable. Six weeks before planned addition, owner must submit food service application, fee and plans for future back room prep table and sink installation. Present carpet will not be suitable.
Capital Mall
March 22: 10 red; 5 blue
Comments: Front hand wash sink not stocked with soap. All hand wash sinks must be stocked with hot water, soap and paper towels. Correction: Soap brought from back. This is a repeat violation. A re-inspection will be required if this issue persists. CDI - corrected. Facility lacks chlorine sanitizer test strips. Test strips must be used to verify sanitizer concentration. Correction: The dish sanitizer is QUAT based and appropriate test strips for that sanitizer were available. The sanitizer buckets are chlorine based and those test strips are not available. When thawing potentially hazardous foods, they must be completely submerged in running water.
Outback Steakhouse
2615 Capital Mall Drive SW
March 22: 5 red; 0 blue
Comments: One food worker card missing, two host cards missing. All employees must obtain a valid food worker card within two weeks of hire. Correction: Obtain within two weeks (includes busers and hosts). New FRP installed in mop sink area without wall coving. Add coving.
Starbucks #3247
4700 Avery Lane SE
March 21: 5 red; 0 blue
Comments: Provide ambient thermometers for display case and two other under counter refrigerators. Well maintained facility.
Dutch Bros Coffee
5210 Capitol Blvd. SE
March 21: 5 red; 3 blue
Comments: Provide thermometer in merchandiser that has a scale from 0-250 F or at least has a range to read refrigerator temperature. Store ice scoop used at machine in a clean and sanitized container instead of on the machine.
The Viking Lounge
6318 Martin Way E
March 19: 10 red; 2 blue
Comments: Improper cold holding temperatures of potentially hazardous foods. Items on ice on taco bar above required cold hold temperature of 41 F or lower (sour cream 57-64 F, lettuce 45-47 F). Correction: Maintain PHF at or below 41 F, rapid chill to 41 F. If unable to maintain required temperatures will require additional cold hold equipment that is mechanized. Back up freezer in carpeted office. Correction: Relocate to food area.
Taco Del Mar
555 Trosper Road SW
March 19: 40 red; 5 blue
Comments: Dishes stored in back hand wash sink, wiping cloth in front hand wash sink. Hand wash sinks must be used for hand washing ONLY. Corrected: Dishes and wiping cloth moved. Queso and beef mix on left side of steam table at 127-130 F and 132-133 F. Potentially hazardous foods must be held at 135 F and above. Corrected: Both foods temped at 11:30 a.m. 166-167 F per temperature logs. Both foods reheated to 165 F. Diced tomato mix and bean mix in walk-in at 41-43 F. Potentially hazardous foods must be held at 41 F and below. Correction: Adjust unit to maintain adequate temperature. Wiping cloth stored in hand wash sink. Wiping cloths must be stored in sani-bucket when not in use. Corrected: Cloth removed to laundry, not sani-bucket. Ensure hand wash occurs for full 20 seconds in hand wash sink ONLY.
Panda Express #708
575 Trosper Road SW
March 19: 5 red; 0 blue
Comments: Three missing food worker cards, one expired. All employees must obtain valid food worker cards within two weeks of employment. Correction: Obtain within two weeks. Re-hang hand wash sign in restrooms.
1313 Cooper Point Road SW
March 14: 5 red; 0 blue
Comments: Spinach and sliced tomatoes in one-door upright TRUE unit at 45 F and 43 F. Cheese in three-door salad prep at 42 F. Potentially hazardous foods must be held at 41 F and below. Correction: Reduce volume in unit, turkey on top shelf was at 40 F and items below were 43 F and 45 F. Increase air flow and repair if needed.
No violations found
▪ Bayview Market Place (516 Fourth Ave. W)
▪ Briney Sea Delicaseas (715 78th Ave. SW)
▪ Gardner’s Seafood & Pasta (111 Thurston Ave. NW)
▪ Jean-Pierre’s three16 (316 Schmidt Place SW)
▪ Red Wagon Burgers (7205 Old Highway 99 SE)
▪ Short Stop Deli (905 North St. SE)
▪ Steven’s Field Concession Stand (300 24th Ave. SE)
▪ Taco Lote (3663 Pacific Ave. SE)
https://www.theolympian.com/news/local/article228731799.html 2019-04-03 11:49:00Z
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