A space recently known for its Chinese food could be soon known for its Mexican cuisine.
The Livonia Planning Commission reviewed plans at its Jan. 15 meeting for a new Mexican restaurant, Maya Cocina Mexicana, to occupy the space that most recently housed China House Inn, 33018 Seven Mile, in the shopping center with Joe's Produce.
Livonia resident Tim Cruz came before the planning commission at the meeting and said this restaurant has been in the works for several years.
"My wife and I have lived in Livonia past 15 years," he said. "The restaurant is something my wife and I have been thinking about the last decade and planning for the last five years."
He described the concept to the commission as a contemporary, "farm-to-table" gourmet Mexican restaurant, something, he said, that's hard to find in Michigan.
"Everything fresh, there's nothing canned," he said. "Local providers, trying to incorporate that gourmet, the way grandma used to make it."
The planning commission unanimously approved both the waiver petition and the Class C liquor license for the establishment. The proposal will now go on to the city council for its review.
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China House Inn occupied the space for several years before closing earlier this winter. That restaurant is in the process of relocating in a new space west along Seven Mile, west of the empty 7 Farmington shopping center.
There was no word on when the Mexican restaurant would open.
The request includes a request to increase the number of seats inside the restaurant. Currently, only 30 seats are permitted for the space.
"It was in 2008 China House was originally approved for this location with a maximum of 30 seats," said Mark Taormina, Livonia's planning director. "Maya is asking to increase the seating count to 67."
Cruz said the additional seating won't cause problems with other businesses in the shopping center, as much of their business happens before dinner and most of his will take place at dinner.
Contact David Veselenak at dveselenak@hometownlife.com or 734-678-6728. Follow him on Twitter @davidveselenak.
https://www.hometownlife.com/story/money/business/2019/01/23/farm-table-mexican-restaurant-planned-seven-mile-livonia/2598424002/ 2019-01-23 15:27:51Z
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