HOUSTON (KTRK/CNN) - The moment a tire crashed through a Houston restaurant window, nearly hitting a worker, was caught on camera.
A tire crashed through a restaurant window, nearly hitting an employee. (Credit: CNN)
A rogue tire hit a window outside Pallotas Italian Grill in Houston, barely missing an employee inside.
“I though a bomb went off,” Phil Nicosia, the owner, said.
Nicosia says the tire launched from a dump truck that lost its back axle. It rolled its way several yards across the parking to the restaurant’s window.
An employee was sweeping when the tire crashed into the building causing glass to cut his face.
“The tire traveled and went through the parking lot, missing all those cars and all those people,” Nicosia said.
Three customers were also inside the restaurant at the time.
Nicosia first though someone shot out the window.
The restaurant is open again and the employee is back to work.
Everyone is thankful no one was seriously hurt.
“I still just keep thinking how is he alive? How is he no more injured? He had an angel on his shoulder,” Nicosia said.
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