Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Man cited after expletive-laden tirade at Blue's Egg restaurant in Shorewood - Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Editor's Note: The video embedded in this story contains offensive language. Viewer discretion is advised. 

Customers enjoying a Sunday brunch at Blue's Egg restaurant in Shorewood were disrupted by a man's threatening behavior on Sunday, Feb. 10.

In a video shared on social media, 44-year-old Steven Connelly of Milwaukee can be seen screaming, "(Expletive) you, Democrats!" directly in the faces of multiple customers at about 1 p.m.

The restaurant manager told police Connelly also acted as if his hand were a pistol and pointed it at people as if he were shooting them, according to a police report.

Shorewood police received multiple calls about the incident. When an officer arrived, Connelly was standing outside the restaurant waving his hands around and screaming, according to the police report.

Connelly yelled multiple times that "he was pissed off at those people," pointing to the customers inside Blue's Egg. Several people on the sidewalk were watching and filming him, according to the police report.

Dan Sidner, the co-owner of the restaurant, said employees quickly determined they had to ask the man to leave the restaurant. Sidner said the man is not welcome at any of the restaurants owned by Black Shoe Hospitality Group, which includes Maxie's and Story Hill BKC, both in Milwaukee.

"This is a very unfortunate thing to have happen, but I'm proud of my team and the way they handled it," he said. "They did their best in a very difficult situation."

Shorewood police cited Connelly for disorderly conduct.

Previous conflicts

Connelly was out on bail in connection with a Dec. 11 incident at his apartment building on the East Side of Milwaukee. In that incident, a neighbor called police because Connelly was yelling in the hallway about shooting females, according to a criminal complaint.

When police arrived, Connelly told police he had an assault rifle pointed at the door and would shoot anyone who entered the apartment, the complaint said. Milwaukee police requested a tactical unit to respond to the scene. 

Connelly was arrested after a five-hour standoff near Murray and Bradford avenues. He was sent to the Veteran's Hospital for medical and mental health treatment, according to the complaint.

Connelly was charged with disorderly conduct and failure to comply with an officer's attempt to take a person into custody.

The criminal complaint from the standoff also mentions a Dec. 2 incident in which Connelly called Milwaukee police claiming that he was headed to Whole Foods with a sword to “take retribution upon the people that discriminated against him for being a Republican."

Milwaukee police also interacted with Connelly on Aug. 3, when he allegedly yelled at employees of Cafe Benelux, 346 N. Broadway St., for not flying the American flag, according to the complaint.

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https://www.jsonline.com/story/communities/northshore/crime/2019/02/26/man-arrested-after-tirade-blues-egg-restaurant-shorewood/2941547002/ 2019-02-26 16:53:00Z

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