Monday, August 5, 2019

The 10 worst Jefferson County restaurant health scores for July 2019 - has gone through every Jefferson County restaurant health inspection to bring you the 10 establishments with the worst ratings.

Our starting point is an 85 score -- the threshold that prompts a reinspection within 60 days.

Alongside a restaurant’s score is how many critical violations they received. These are marked in red on the county health department’s website and are either worth five or four point deductions.

Here are the 10 Jefferson County restaurants with the worst health inspection scores for July. Scores are arranged from highest to lowest:

Pinetree County Club

Pinetree Country Club (Kitchen), 5100 Pine Whispers Dr., Irondale

Pinetree Country Club (Kitchen), 5100 Pine Whispers Dr., Irondale

Score: 85

Critical violations: 2

The Pinetree Country Club’s kitchen was cited for two critical violations after a July 26 inspection.

The kitchen was docked five points for storing deli meat and sliced tomatoes above acceptable temperatures. Another four points was deducted from the country club’s score because the person in charge did not have an irreversible thermometer or heat strips for the heat sanitizing dish machine, the inspector noted.

Papa John's

Papa John's in Fairfield

Papa John’s #787, 6501 Aaron Aranov Dr., Fairfield

Score: 82

Critical violations: 3

The Fairfield Papa John’s is making its second appearance on the worst offenders list after receiving three critical violations during a July 10 inspection.

A health department inspector noticed “flies in the establishment” during their visit, costing the Papa John’s four points. Another four points were deducted because of residue on the can opener.

Five points were shaved off Papa John’s score because diced ham, chicken nuggets and sausage were stored above acceptable temperatures.

Papa John’s had a score of 72 in September 2018.


Wendy’s, 800 Academy Dr., Bessemer

Wendy’s, 800 Academy Dr., Bessemer

Score: 82

Critical violations: 3

This Wendy’s in Bessemer had three critical violations totaling 13 points after a July 29 inspection.

The most serious infraction, which cost the fast food joint five points, was for storing several foods between five and 14 degrees above acceptable temperatures due to faulty equipment. A repairman was called following the inspector’s visit.

Wendy’s also received two four-point violations -- one for black mildew buildup in the frosty machine and another for an employee scooping french fries while wearing nail polish without wearing gloves.

Martin’s BBQ Joint, 3029 Pump House Rd., Vestavia Hills

Martin’s BBQ Joint, 3029 Pump House Rd., Vestavia Hills

Martin’s BBQ Joint, 3029 Pump House Rd., Vestavia Hills

Score: 81

Critical violations: 3

Martin’s was hit with three violations after a July 10 visit from the health department.

Hot dogs, pork shoulder, wings, fish and cooked wings were found to be stored between five and 24 degrees above proper temperatures because a cooler wasn’t turned on and the pork shoulder wasn’t cut up into smaller pieces, according to the inspector’s report. The infraction cost the establishment five points.

Martin’s was also cited for flies in the kitchen, outside bar and the dining area -- a four-point deduction.

The barbecue joint was docked another four points because there was no readily available documentation that employees received food safety training.

Wing Out

Wing Out, 14 Green Springs Highway, Homewood

Wing Out, 14 Green Springs Highway, Homewood

Score: 80

Critical violations: 3

The Green Springs Wing Out was cited for three critical violations that cost the restaurant 13 points off its score after a July 25 inspection.

Chicken wings and shredded cheese were being stored above acceptable temperatures -- a five-point deduction -- while another four points were removed because the establishment did not have a thermometer on hand to check internal temperatures of food.

Another four points was taken off Wing Out’s score because there was no verification that an employee attended an accredited food safety training program within the last year.

Bogue’s Restaurant, 3120 Clairmont Ave., Birmingham

Bogue’s Restaurant, 3120 Clairmont Ave., Birmingham

Bogue’s Restaurant, 3120 Clairmont Ave., Birmingham

Score: 79

Critical violations: 3

Bogue’s was hit with three critical violations after a July 22 visit from the health department.

The restaurant was docked five points because several milk jugs stored in a cooler were out of temperature. Another five points were deducted because sausages were stored in grocery bags instead of a food-grade container.

A four-point deduction was given because Bogue’s did not place an asterisk on menus indicating that raw or undercooked animal foods may increase the risk of foodborne illness.

American Deli

American Deli, 1680 Montclair Rd., Birmingham

American Deli, 1680 Montclair Rd., Birmingham

Score: 77

Critical violations: 4

American Deli was cited for four critical violations worth 18 points after a July 1 inspection.

The deli received two five-point violations, one for cheese sauce that was stored below proper temperatures because it was heated in a crock pot instead of a microwave or oven. The other five-point infraction was for having an unlabeled bottle of chemicals.

Two four-point violations were also levied against American Deli: for a soiled ice machine and for lunch mean stored without a date.

Waffle House

Waffle House #1340, 5010 Academy Ln., Bessemer

Waffle House #1340, 5010 Academy Ln., Bessemer

Score: 75

Critical violations: 4

The Waffle House on Academy Lane racked up four critical violations worth 24 points following a July 17 inspection.

The Waffle House was cited for failing to “provide safe, unadulterated and honestly presented food” because a box of discolored beef patties was stored next to the grill. The infraction cost the Waffle House five points.

Its other five-point deduction was for storing a tray of eggs at 75 degrees -- 30 degrees above the proper temperature.

The inspector also noticed “heavy slime mold buildup" in the juice dispenser and "black slime” in the fountain drink ice bin, which resulted in four points being taken off the Waffle House’s score.

The restaurant was docked another four points for not providing food safety training to all employees.

Pizza Hut

Pizza Hut #4214, 2312 John Hawkins Pkwy., Hoover

Pizza Hut #4214, 2312 John Hawkins Pkwy., Hoover

Score: 74

Critical violations: 4

The Pizza Hut on John Hawkins Parkway in Hoover received four critical violations worth 19 points after a July 10 inspection.

The inspector observed condensation on several containers of raw dough that was linked to a leak in the cooler. It cost the Pizza Hut five points. A container of ham was out of temperature -- another five-point deduction.

The restaurant’s third five-point penalty was for not having a policy stating what to do when an employee has symptoms of an illness that can be transmitted through handling food.

Another four points was taken off the Pizza Hut’s score for only being able to provide documentation that three of 11 employees received food safety training.

Kirkwood by the River, 3605 Ratcliff Rd., Irondale

Kirkwood by the River, 3605 Ratcliff Rd., Irondale

Kirkwood by the River, 3605 Ratcliff Rd., Irondale

Score: 71

Critical violations: 5

This assisted living community has the dubious distinction of being the lowest rated in Jefferson County in July with five critical violations totaling 24 points after a July 22 inspection.

Four of Kirkwood by the River’s five critical violations were of the five-point variety -- the most serious handed out by the health department.

Pureed beets that were made 11 days before the inspection were still being stored in the facility’s kitchen, beyond the seven-day limit after which food should be discarded, according to the inspector.

A pan of salisbury steaks was out of temperature (five points) as well as shredded cheese, cherry tomatoes and lettuce (five points.)

The fourth five-point infraction was for not having signed copies that employees were given notice of a policy of what to do when a worker has signs of an illness that can be transmitted through food handling. The person in charge told the inspector that the copies were in a filing cabinet that had been thrown out.

The facility was docked another four points because the blade on a slicer was soiled.

Let's block ads! (Why?) 2019-08-05 10:18:00Z

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