Thursday, October 31, 2019

男の子は「蓮」、女の子は「陽葵」が最多…赤ちゃん名前ランキング - livedoor

男の子は「蓮」、女の子は「陽葵」が最多…赤ちゃん名前ランキング  livedoor
男の子は「蓮」、女の子は「陽葵」が最多…赤ちゃん名前ランキング - livedoor

Terancam Dipolisikan Karena Bully Melly Goeslaw pada Pesta Halloween di Restoran, Rossa Sambangi Rumah Mell... - Nova

Terancam Dipolisikan Karena Bully Melly Goeslaw pada Pesta Halloween di Restoran, Rossa Sambangi Rumah Mell...  Nova
Terancam Dipolisikan Karena Bully Melly Goeslaw pada Pesta Halloween di Restoran, Rossa Sambangi Rumah Mell... - Nova
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巡査が女性にわいせつ…県警PCで女性の情報を調べ犯行 懲戒免職に 巡査スマホに他にも複数人の情報発見(埼玉新聞) - Yahoo!ニュース

巡査が女性にわいせつ…県警PCで女性の情報を調べ犯行 懲戒免職に 巡査スマホに他にも複数人の情報発見(埼玉新聞)  Yahoo!ニュース
巡査が女性にわいせつ…県警PCで女性の情報を調べ犯行 懲戒免職に 巡査スマホに他にも複数人の情報発見(埼玉新聞) - Yahoo!ニュース

大阪府で走行中のバイクに乗る少年にスプレーをかけ転倒させ、奪って逃走 - livedoor

大阪府で走行中のバイクに乗る少年にスプレーをかけ転倒させ、奪って逃走  livedoor
大阪府で走行中のバイクに乗る少年にスプレーをかけ転倒させ、奪って逃走 - livedoor

Piring Yang Digunakan Untuk Menghidangkan Krim Keju dan Susu di Restoran Berpotensi Jadi Sumber Penyakit - Grid.ID

Piring Yang Digunakan Untuk Menghidangkan Krim Keju dan Susu di Restoran Berpotensi Jadi Sumber Penyakit  Grid.ID
Piring Yang Digunakan Untuk Menghidangkan Krim Keju dan Susu di Restoran Berpotensi Jadi Sumber Penyakit - Grid.ID
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野党攻勢、審議応ぜず=会社法改正案先送り-河井法相辞任 - 時事通信ニュース

野党攻勢、審議応ぜず=会社法改正案先送り-河井法相辞任  時事通信ニュースGoogle ニュースですべての記事を表示
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首里城、スプリンクラーなし 推奨も管理者把握せず(琉球新報) - Yahoo!ニュース

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英国コンテナ39人遺体 日本で働いたベトナム女性は家族のため再び異国へ渡り亡くなった - Newsweekjapan

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2019-10-31 10:00:32Z

America's biggest restaurant chains scored on their antibiotic use - CNN

People in the United States are misusing antibiotics, study says
The World Health Organization calls the development of bacteria that can't be killed by some of our current medicines "one of the biggest threats to global health, food security, and development today."
Fifteen of America's favorites received an "F" for their lack of action in reducing the use of beef raised with antibiotics, including Burger King, DQ, Jack In the Box, Pizza Hut, Olive Garden, Chili's, Sonic, Applebee's and the pizza chains of Domino's, Little Caesars and Pizza Hut.
Only Chipotle and Panera Bread, who were early leaders in using only antibiotic-free beef and chicken, received an "A."
This is the fifth year that six public interest groups have graded the 25 largest US fast food chains on where they stand on antibiotics. The report, called Chain Reaction V, focuses on antibiotic use in both poultry and beef food items.
Antibiotics are routinely given to animals to keep them healthy while they fatten up for slaughter. In fact, nearly two-thirds of the medically important antibiotics sold in the US go to food animals.
When antibiotics are overused, some bacteria learn to survive, multiply, and share their resistance genes with other bacteria even if those have not been exposed. Those so-called "superbugs" enter our system when we eat undercooked meat or veggies that have been exposed to irrigation water contaminated with animal waste.
Our antibiotics are no match for superbugs, and it's a 'global crisis,' UN report says
And suddenly, antibiotics that once cured our infections no longer do their job.
Despite the severity of the problem, the US lacks appropriate laws to regulate overuse of antibiotics in our food chain. Thus advocacy groups have turned to some of the largest buyers of raw beef and chicken -- restaurants -- and asked them to use their purchasing power to force change.

Fewer antibiotics in chicken we eat

And it works. A huge success story over the past five years is the reduction of chicken raised with antibiotics in many of our favorite restaurants, said Lena Brook, director of food campaigns for the Natural Resources Defense Council, one of the groups who sponsor the study. Others include Consumer Reports, the Milken Institute School for Public Health and the Center for Food Safety.
According to the report, 90% of the chickens raised last year received no medically important antibiotics. Compare that to 2014, when "nearly half of the nine billion broiler chickens produced in the US annually were raised on a full array of antibiotics, including medically important drugs," the report stated.
For consumers, that means antibiotic-free chicken is served in 13 of the 25 restaurants included in the study, including such heavy hitters as Chick-fil-A, KFC, McDonald's, Burger King, and Wendy's.
Four more restaurants are on their way to keeping their commitment to serve antibiotic-free chicken. However, eight restaurants still have no policy in place.
The early push by Chipotle Mexican Grill and Panera Bread, followed by Chick-fil-A, McDonald's and Subway, began a domino effect that encouraged major chicken supply companies to get on board, the report said.
"In spring of 2015 Purdue and then Tyson made a really big splash when they committed to limiting antibiotic use in their chicken suppliers and they're two of the five largest chicken companies in the country," Brook said. "So now we're looking for that kind of shift in the beef industry."

High use of antibiotics in beef

It's only the second year that the report has focused on beef, but some progress has been made. As in past years, the only two As were awarded to Chipotle Mexican Grill and Panera Bread.
The two chains have consistently stood above the rest by making sure that the beef, poultry and pork used in their foods are raised without antibiotics.
Despite their success with chicken, most of the top burger chains and restaurants, such as Burger King, DQ and Jack in the Box, failed to take any action to reduce the use of beef raised on antibiotics in their supply chains. Others didn't respond to the survey at all, just like last year.
When you need antibiotics -- and when you don't
Subway and McDonald's received a "C" for making a commitment to begin the process of using antibiotic-free beef in their food items.
Having a major player like McDonald's announcing they plan to create a comprehensive antibiotic use reduction policy is a "gamechanger," the report said.
"They're one of the largest beef buyers in the world," Brook said. "So if they do this right, they're going to have a critical impact not only in the United States, but in lots of places around the world in reforming antibiotic use practices."
McDonald's is in the pilot phase of their commitment, Brook said, with plans to announce reduction targets by the end of 2020. The promise to act jumped their score from an "F" to a "C."
The world's rivers are contaminated with antibiotics, new study shows
Taco Bell, another big buyer of beef, said it would cut 25% of medically important antibiotics in their beef supply chain by 2025. That underwhelming commitment got them a "D" for minimal effort.
"We would love to see such a modest commitment be implemented faster," Brook said. "Six years feels like a long time to wait for a mere 25% reduction."
Wendy's received a "D+" for a confusing promise to act that didn't really accomplish much, Brook said.
"They're cutting one drug by 20% in less than a third of their beef supply. This is taking token steps to address the problem," Brook said. "We're really worried that Wendy's is greenwashing, or giving lip service to an environmental action so their company looks better.
"The fact remains other companies are figuring it out," she added. "So we know it's doable, and given the gravity of the threat posed by the antibiotic resistance crisis, there really is no excuse for inaction."
CNN reached out to all of the restaurants mentioned in the report. Subway said it had no comment at this time. Domino's Pizza sent a statement saying they believed in letting farmers and ranchers raise the animals, although "they do have a number of internal policies that we don't currently post publicly; nor do we engage in unsolicited surveys."
Superbugs kill 33,000 in Europe every year
Panda Express told CNN they had added two menu items using antibiotic-free chicken and were working to add more such individual items to their menu.
Dine Brands, which owns Applebee's and IHOP, said that "in 2018 we made significant strides in reducing the routine use of medically important antibiotics in both poultry and pork and began work to address our beef supply in 2019 ... unfortunately, Chain Reaction's questionnaire timing precluded us from reporting this work."
In a statement supplied to CNN, Keith Kenny, global vice president of McDonald's Sustainability, said: "Through our latest commitment, we are proud to work with our beef supply chain around the world to accelerate the responsible use of antibiotics, while continuing to look after the health and welfare of the animals in our supply chain."
None of the other restaurants responded before the publication of this story.

Let's block ads! (Why?) 2019-10-31 09:05:55Z

徴用工の賠償命令判決から1年 被害者たちが始めた韓国政府らへの「反撃」 - livedoor

徴用工の賠償命令判決から1年 被害者たちが始めた韓国政府らへの「反撃」 - livedoor



徴用工訴訟 韓国最高裁が三菱重工にも賠償命令の判決が出た時の原告団の様子 ©時事通信社




























「日本政府に対して戦争犯罪を認めて公式に謝罪し、法的賠償を行うよう要求する! 日本政府は日本軍慰安婦に関する歴史を隠蔽(いんぺい)せずに正しく記録し、教育せよ! 私たちはどのような迫害にも屈さず、日本政府から必ず公式謝罪と法的賠償を受ける!」


「被害者でもない人達が、なぜ被害者の声を勝手に代弁するのでしょうか? 被害者や遺族は、もう上は90代と高齢なのです。もう残された時間はないのです。それなのに活動家たちは、終わりのない日本叩きばかりをして、被害者の救済を遅らせるばかりなのです」(崔氏)






(赤石 晋一郎)

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2019-10-31 09:30:00Z

「バグダディ容疑者は泣き叫んでいた」発言 米中央軍司令官「確認出来ず」 - 産経ニュース

「バグダディ容疑者は泣き叫んでいた」発言 米中央軍司令官「確認出来ず」 - 産経ニュース









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2019-10-31 07:24:00Z

Makan Kakis recommends: Heavens appam at Ghim Moh Market - CNA

If you live in the West, chances are you’re already familiar with Ghim Moh Market. It’s a veritable treasure trove of all things delicious, including chwee kueh, Hokkien mee and roasted meats.

But there’s one breakfast option that has come highly recommended by our GOLD 905 Makan Kaki, The Fabulous Baker Boy co-owner and chef Juwanda Hassim. He swears by the appam found at a stall called Heavens, which has garnered a steady following since it opened back in the '90s.

CNA Lifestyle kicks off a brand new Makan Kakis series with GOLD 905 DJ Denise Tan to find the yummiest local food in Singapore. This week: Absolutely divine appam with spicy tomato chutney from Heavens food stall.

For the uninitiated, appam is essentially a pancake made from a fermented rice flour batter that is delicately cooked on a hot griddle (appachatti) that looks like a mini-wok. This traditional Indian snack resembles little UFOs or sombrero hats and are both fun to eat and fun to watch being made.

Appam may look deceptively simple, but these require the right timing and lots of talent to make; something Heavens’ Madam Muthuletchmi Veerapan – or Madam Letchmi to regulars – and her son Suren have in spades as they showed us how to do it.

Heavens’ appam at Ghim Moh Market
Heavens’ appam is very savoury with a slight tang, and it offers different textures. (Photo: Denise Tan)

First, the batter has to be of the right consistency, so that one deft splash into the pan coats the sides with a thin layer that crisps up beautifully, while the remaining batter collects at the rounded bottom and cooks to fluffy perfection. Flavour-wise, there is a hint of sweet, rich coconut milk that cuts through the delightful zing from the fermented dough. 

The result is a light, tangy pancake that has lovely, paper-thin crisp edges and a pillowy centre that puffs up due to the fermentation at work.

GOLD 905 DJ Denise Tan with Heavens' Madam Letchmi and son Suren at Ghim Moh Market
GOLD 905 DJ Denise Tan with Heavens' Madam Letchmi and son Suren at Ghim Moh Market. (Photo: Denise Tan)

When paired with orange sugar and freshly grated coconut, you get a dish that is simple and comforting, yet complex in flavour.

Heavens’ appam (S$2 for two pieces) is very savoury with a slight tang, while also offering different textures to enjoy – from its lacy-crisp edges to the steamy-spongy centre that is perfect for dipping into the sugar and coconut, for an added sweet and fragrantly creamy layer of taste.

Heavens' special “Princess” appam has melted cheese, butter and a fried egg to top it off
Heavens' special “Princess” appam has melted cheese, butter and a fried egg to top it off. (Photo: Denise Tan)

If you want a less traditional way of enjoying appam, there are more savoury options, such as cheese, egg and butter variants (S$2 per piece). Or you can have it all – the irresistibly decadent “Princess” appam (S$3 per piece) features melted cheese, butter and a fried egg to top it off – like a crown, hence the royal title.

Heavens’ curries are the perfect accompaniments to the appam and on our recent visit, we had eager regulars fighting to tell us what to order and why they love having breakfast there.

“It’s the best Appam you’ll find in Singapore,” one of them said. 

“I come here all the way from Serangoon to eat here once a week!” another chimed in. 

“You must have it with the dhal and the spicy tomato chutney! Taste and you’ll see why,” said a third.

We can confirm the dhal was light, flavourful and not too spicy, with generous chunks of potato along with the lentils. But the star, for us, was the chutney that had a robust flavour from the tomatoes, deepened with the richness of onions, dried red chillies and other spices. Taking it to another level was the char that came through, lending this sweet, savoury and spicy chutney a delightfully deep smokiness.

If you still have room after all that appam, their putu mayam (S$2 per two pieces), thosai (S$2 per two pieces) and thosai variations (S$2 to S$3 per piece) are popular, too. In fact, on the morning we visited, half of the customers ordered masala thosai (S$2.50 per piece).

Heavens certainly lives up to its name with food that tastes divine.

Catch Makan Kakis with Denise Tan every Thursday from 11am on GOLD 905. Heavens is located at 20 Ghim Moh Rd, #01-26, Singapore 270020. It’s open from Tuesday to Sunday, 6am to 1pm. Closed on Mondays.

Let's block ads! (Why?) 2019-10-31 08:56:27Z

文大統領、首相に会談を呼びかけ 韓国が親書の内容公表(朝日新聞デジタル) - Yahoo!ニュース

文大統領、首相に会談を呼びかけ 韓国が親書の内容公表(朝日新聞デジタル) - Yahoo!ニュース







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2019-10-31 07:00:00Z

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Piring Yang Digunakan Untuk Menghidangkan Krim Keju dan Susu di Restoran Berpotensi Jadi Sumber Penyakit - Grid.ID

Piring Yang Digunakan Untuk Menghidangkan Krim Keju dan Susu di Restoran Berpotensi Jadi Sumber Penyakit  Grid.ID
Piring Yang Digunakan Untuk Menghidangkan Krim Keju dan Susu di Restoran Berpotensi Jadi Sumber Penyakit - Grid.ID
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堀江貴文氏「最悪の悪手」N国立花氏へのNHK提訴 - 日刊スポーツ

堀江貴文氏「最悪の悪手」N国立花氏へのNHK提訴  日刊スポーツGoogle ニュースですべての記事を表示
堀江貴文氏「最悪の悪手」N国立花氏へのNHK提訴 - 日刊スポーツ

20歳の青年が電車に轢かれて右手と両足を失った時の話(現代ビジネス) - Yahoo!ニュース

20歳の青年が電車に轢かれて右手と両足を失った時の話(現代ビジネス)  Yahoo!ニュース
20歳の青年が電車に轢かれて右手と両足を失った時の話(現代ビジネス) - Yahoo!ニュース

堀江貴文氏「最悪の悪手」N国立花氏へのNHK提訴 - 日刊スポーツ

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堀江貴文氏「最悪の悪手」N国立花氏へのNHK提訴 - 日刊スポーツ

Wanita Ini Marah Karena Tak Dapat Garpu dan Serbet di KFC, Langsung Tembak Jendela Restoran - Tribun Jabar

Wanita Ini Marah Karena Tak Dapat Garpu dan Serbet di KFC, Langsung Tembak Jendela Restoran  Tribun Jabar
Wanita Ini Marah Karena Tak Dapat Garpu dan Serbet di KFC, Langsung Tembak Jendela Restoran - Tribun Jabar
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堀江貴文氏「最悪の悪手」N国立花氏へのNHK提訴 - 日刊スポーツ

堀江貴文氏「最悪の悪手」N国立花氏へのNHK提訴  日刊スポーツGoogle ニュースですべての記事を表示
堀江貴文氏「最悪の悪手」N国立花氏へのNHK提訴 - 日刊スポーツ

「紛争の調停には応じない」「韓国政府が補償し解決を」 徴用工訴訟の韓国最高裁判決から1年 - 産経ニュース

「紛争の調停には応じない」「韓国政府が補償し解決を」 徴用工訴訟の韓国最高裁判決から1年 - 産経ニュース







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2019-10-30 11:01:00Z

菅長官「国際法違反状態作ったのは韓国側」…元徴用工訴訟問題 - 読売新聞

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2019-10-30 10:02:00Z

バグダディを追い詰めた IS被害女性ケーラ・ミュラーの悲劇 - Newsweekjapan

バグダディを追い詰めた IS被害女性ケーラ・ミュラーの悲劇 - Newsweekjapan





ミュラーはISの拠点だったシリアの都市ラッカで、有志連合に参加するヨルダンの空爆によって死亡したとIS は主張する。ヨルダン政府とホワイトハウスは、ISの説明には根拠がないと反論している。ミュラーは26歳だった。









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2019-10-30 07:15:00Z

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2019-10-30 06:52:00Z

That Peter Luger Review and Other Restaurants That Got Zero Stars - The New York Times

[Want to get New York Today by email? Here’s the sign-up.]

It’s Wednesday.

Weather: Be prepared for showers. The high should reach the mid-60s.

Alternate-side parking: In effect until Friday (All Saints Day).

Credit...Ellen Silverman for The New York Times

Like the city it inhabits, Peter Luger Steak House is not just a location but a way of being.

At Peter Luger, an “instinctive avoidance of anything fancy and an immensely attractive self-assurance came together to produce something that felt less like a restaurant than an affirmation of life, or at least life as it is lived in New York City,” Peter Wells, The Times’s restaurant critic, recently wrote.

In the 1990s, “a Peter Luger steak made me feel alive in a way that few other things did,” he continued.

But times have changed. In 2007, the steakhouse got a two-star review in The Times. Yesterday, Mr. Wells gave Peter Luger zero stars.

[Read Mr. Wells’s new review: Peter Luger used to sizzle. Now it sputters. See our readers’ responses to the review here.]

Loyalists may dismiss criticisms of the restaurant. Mr. Wells imagines them saying that “nobody goes to Luger for the wine, nobody goes to Luger for the salad, nobody goes to Luger for the service.” That list, he wrote, “goes on, and gets harder to swallow, until you start to wonder who really needs to go to Peter Luger, and start to think the answer is nobody.”

David Berson, the general manager of the restaurant, said in a statement, “The NY Times has reviewed Peter Luger numerous times over the years,” and “their whims have changed.”

The biting review put Peter Luger in the company of subjects of other memorable Times restaurant reviews, including these three:

Reviewed by Mr. Wells in 2015: “Fresh or frozen, the margaritas have a slight chemical taste that I was thankful for because it tended to keep my own alcohol intake to near-Mormon levels.”

One of Javelina’s calling cards, queso, “arrives lukewarm, which prevents trips to the emergency room. The cooler temperature offers the added benefit of allowing a latex-like film to congeal on top, which provides an interesting contrast in texture with the liquefied cheese below.”

Reviewed by Mr. Wells in 2012: “Guy Fieri, have you eaten at your new restaurant in Times Square? Have you pulled up one of the 500 seats at Guy’s American Kitchen & Bar and ordered a meal? Did you eat the food?”

“Why is one of the few things on your menu that can be eaten without fear or regret — a lunch-only sandwich of chopped soy-glazed pork with coleslaw and cucumbers — called a Roasted Pork Bahn Mi, when it resembles that item about as much as you resemble Emily Dickinson?”

Reviewed by Sam Sifton in 2010: “Nello, which opened in 1992, is an ecosystem that is almost incomprehensible to those not a part of it. The food is not very good. Yet the restaurant’s customer base is built of the richest and most coddled people in the city."

Guests “ate crisp artichokes offered as carciofi alla giudia. These tasted of shirt cardboard. They ate sawdusty chicken livers lashed with balsamic.”

“Only an arugula salad with fontina and pears could have been mistaken for something good to eat.”

Want more news? Check out our full coverage.

The Mini Crossword: Here is today’s puzzle.

A lot of pre-K centers in New York are not diverse, according to a recent study. [Daily News]

Kanye West performed inside the Oculus at the World Trade Center. [Gothamist]

Is Hudson Yards “Little Dubai”? [Wall Street Journal]

The documentary “Mama Africa” screens at the Caribbean Cultural Center African Diaspora Institute in Manhattan. 6 p.m. [Free]

Carve a pumpkin for the Central Park Conservancy’s Halloween Pumpkin Flotilla at the Charles A. Dana Discovery Center in Manhattan. 4 p.m. [Free]

Heartbeat Opera’s climate benefit, “Hot Mama: Singing Gays Saving Gaia,” is a night of drag, opera and pastiche at Roulette in Brooklyn. 8 p.m. [$25]

— Julia Carmel

Coming up on Saturday: The day before the New York City Marathon, The Times’s Lindsay Crouse will talk with two runners who have transformed their sport: Lauren Fleshman, one of the most decorated collegiate distance runners ever, and the Olympian Alysia Montaño, who won a national title six months after childbirth. New York Today readers can save $5 on the ticket price ($10-$15) by entering the code RUN at checkout.

Events are subject to change, so double-check before heading out. For more events, see the going-out guides from The Times’s culture pages.

Janet Morrissey reports:

Math buffs and art fans, prepare to rub elbows.

“We believe that math and art are actually two sides of the same coin,” said Cindy Lawrence, the executive director of the National Museum of Mathematics in Manhattan.

The museum’s exhibition “Math Unfolded: An Exhibit of Mathematical Origami Art” shows how geometry, algorithms and formulas can create works of art — often a 3-D sculpture. The exhibit, in a back room on the museum’s first floor, features 66 pieces of origami art made by 24 artists from around the world. It runs through Jan. 5.

The display features wildlife sculptures, including a horse, jellyfish, squirrel, lobster and dragonfly, as well as masks, flowers and stars. The artists used carefully calculated folds, pleats and color to create the art.

Robert Lang has six pieces in the exhibit, including a giant dragonfly on top of a vine and a large insect crawling over rocks. Uyen Nguyen, an engineer turned artist, used origami designs to create skirts and a handbag. Instead of paper, she used vinyl, polyester, satin ribbon and cotton.

“It can fold down to be a very tiny purse or it can expand up to be a very large bag — all using the techniques of origami and folding,” Ms. Lawrence said.

It’s Wednesday — you’re almost there.

Dear Diary:

One spring day, my neighbor and I were walking past a red car parked at the corner of 80th Street and Second Avenue. As we passed, the window rolled down and out came a banana peel.

Without giving it a thought, I turned toward the driver.

“Really?” I said.

“What,” he said, clearly startled.

“You just threw a banana peel into my living room,” I said.

“It was my brother from another mother,” he said. “What do you want me to do?”

“Pick it up,” I said.

He opened the car door and stepped out. I saw that he was maybe 6-foot-3. He came around the car, bent down, picked up the peel and put it in the trash can.

“Thank you,” I said, and went off down Second Avenue.

— Arlene Diesenhouse

New York Today is published weekdays around 6 a.m. Sign up here to get it by email. You can also find it at

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Let's block ads! (Why?) 2019-10-30 09:23:00Z

米の正副大統領、「アジア軽視」か…ASEAN首脳会議に欠席 - 読売新聞

米の正副大統領、「アジア軽視」か…ASEAN首脳会議に欠席 - 読売新聞




Let's block ads! (Why?)

2019-10-30 06:24:00Z

トランプ政権、東アジアサミットに大統領補佐官派遣 トランプ氏は3年連続欠席 アジア軽視批判避けられず - 産経ニュース

トランプ政権、東アジアサミットに大統領補佐官派遣 トランプ氏は3年連続欠席 アジア軽視批判避けられず - 産経ニュース









Let's block ads! (Why?)

2019-10-30 05:29:00Z