In compliance
Inspected July 1, 2019
- Giant Food Store No. 6449, East Manchester Township
- Dollar General No. 19782, Lower Windsor Township
- Devil’s Eye Brewing Co., Carroll Township
- Craley Crabs, Lower Windsor Township
Inspected July 2, 2019
- Rutter’s No. 26, Shrewsbury
- Meadow Hill Family Restaurant, Windsor Township
- Charlotte Dubel @ Christ Lutheran Church, Shrewsbury
- Bonkey’s, New Freedom
Inspected July 3, 2019
- She’s Got Crabs, New Freedom
- Midnite Smokin’ BBQ, Fairview Township
Inspected July 5, 2019
- Westminster Place, Carroll Township
- Turkey Hill Minit Market No. 134, Hanover
Inspected July 8, 2019
- Dutch Country Restaurant, Penn Township
Inspected July 10, 2019
- Turkey Hill Minit Market No. 093, Lower Windsor Township
- Aroma Buffet and Grill, Springettsbury Township
Out of Compliance
Inspected July 1, 2019
First Majestic, York City
- Food Employees could not follow proper hand washing procedure. Single use towel or air drying device not available to dry hands.
- Loose rubber door gaskets observed on the beer cooling unit and prep cooler.
- Paper towel dispenser empty at the handwash sink in the kitchen and employee restroom area.
- Mops are not being hung to air dry. Mop observed stored in the bucket.
- The Person in Charge does not have adequate knowledge of food safety in this food facility as evidenced by this non-compliant inspection.
- Food in the cooling unit areas stored open with no covering.
- Food storage containers in the dry storage and cooling unit areas are not labeled with the common name of the food.
- Observed food stored directly on the floor, rather than six inches off of the floor as required.
- Meat slicer and manual can opener blade, food contact surfaces, was observed to have food residue and was not clean to sight and touch.
- Inside the microwave, a food contact surface, was observed to have food residue and was not clean to sight and touch.
- Observed dirty dishes stored with the clean dishes on rack above the three bay sink.
- Beneath the stove observed accumulation of food debris. Outer areas of food containers are dirty to sight and touch. Observed a dirty drip tray at stove area. Accumulation of food debris at door gasket of cooling unit. Racks inside the walk-in freezer are dirty to sight and touch. Underneath the racks in the walk-in freezer has accumulation of food debris.
- Lights are not shielded or shatter proof inside the freezing unit.
- Old unused equipment stored (refrigerator) and should be removed from food facility.
- Three bay sink does not drain properly and in need of repair.
- Walk-in cooling unit has a damaged floor area which is not easily cleanable.
- Rear door located in the kitchen area of the food facility has a gap and does not protect against the entry of insects, rodents, and other animals.
- A working container of chemicals was stored on the same shelf with single service articles in the kitchen area.
- Observed wet wiping cloths in kitchen area, not being stored in sanitizer solution.
- Observed clean single service items stored in kitchen area directly on the floor and not six inches above the floor.
- Observed clean single service items on top of microwave, stored uncovered or not inverted.
- A tight fitting lid is not provided at grill area for trash receptacle when not in continuous use.
Manager's comment: A manager could not be reached for comment.
Inspected July 2, 2019
York Buffet, Springettsbury Township
- The Person in Charge did not demonstrate adequate knowledge of food safety in this food facility as evidenced by this non-compliant inspection.
- Food utensils in rice steamer area observed stored in a container of water which is not maintained at 135 degrees Fahrenheit.
- Skewered raw meat and vegetables, prepared macaroni and cheese, imitation crab salad and ground pork were held at 47 to 53 degrees Fahrenheit, in the bain-marie located in back kitchen area, rather than 41 degrees Fahrenheit or below as required. Foods were discarded and denatured. Approximate weight 24 pounds and value $65 provided by person in charge. Thermometers calibrated using ice point method by Inspector in presence of Person in Charge (Provided Training).
- Imitation crab meat, cooked chicken with vegetables, prepared sushi, fish roe, cooked salmon, and cream cheese was held at 55 to 59 degrees Fahrenheit, in the under counter cooling unit in the sushi area, rather than 41 degrees Fahrenheit or below as required. Foods were discarded and denatured. Approximate weight was 14 and a half pounds and value $43 provided by Person in Charge. Thermometers calibrated using ice point method by Inspector with Person in Charge present (Provided Training).
- Floor on left side of walk in freezer is covered in sheet of frozen condensation.
- Thermometers for ensuring proper food temperatures are not calibrated and/or functioning properly. Provided training.
- An open employee's beverage container was observed inside bain-marie cooling unit in direct contact with produce.
- Meat grinder is repaired with a single use #10 food can with holes drilled through bottom. The can is screwed to body of grinder which does not allow for removal for cleaning and sanitizing. The grinder is repaired with materials unapproved for food equipment and should not be used until repaired with approved parts.
- Food slicer blade, blade guard and food tray, food contact surfaces, were observed to have food residue and were not clean to sight and touch. Employee stated slicer was not used today. Observed pink and black mold like residue on ice deflector plate and brewed tea dispensing nozzles in server station area.
- Old food residue, dishes and utensils observed in the handwash sink located in the sushi area indicating use other than handwashing.
- Wall directly to left of and under walk-in cooler door has a hole, is broken, deteriorating and in need of repair. Kitchen floor is made of tile, grout is deteriorated leaving crevices that are and will fill with food crumbs and liquid wastes.
- Observed one live roach-like insect on kitchen wall behind rice steamer, six dead roach-like insects in cupboards under sushi station and one dead roach like insect in dish machine area. Spoke with and reviewed Pest Control Operators recent invoices.
- Observed wet wiping cloths in kitchen area, not being stored in sanitizer solution.
- The floor, wall juncture in three basin sink area is not coved and closed to 1/32 inch. Floor / wall junctures and cove base in several area’s kitchen cracked, broken and deteriorating.
Manager's comment: A manager could not be reached for comment.
New Emerald Garden Inc., Shrewsbury Township
- Observed wet wiping cloths located on counter-tops within kitchen area, not being stored in sanitizer solution.
- Observed fly strips stored over-top of wait staff prep station (drinks, chips, sauces, plates) at the time of inspection and need to be removed.
- Refrigerated ready-to-eat, time/temperature control for safety food prepared in the food facility and held for more than 24 hours, located in the walk-in cooler, is not being date marked.
- Time in lieu of temperature being used in the food facility to control ready-to-eat, potentially hazardous (sushi rice) foods without written procedures or documentation to verify disposition of food.
- Observed top, bottom, sides and inside of doors of the mechanical warewashing unit having a large build-up of filth and food residue and not cleaned before use, and frequently throughout the day.
- Observed fan grates (walk-in cooler) and ceiling vents (kitchen area) heavily soiled with static dust accumulation and in need of cleaning at this time.
- Observed containers stored on top of open (uncovered) cooked food (located inside of cook’s line refrigerator unit) items at the time of inspection.
- Loose/torn rubber door gaskets observed on the cook’s line refrigerator and Bain Marie lower refrigerator units.
- Knives, knife holder, can opener and holder, a food contact surface, was observed to have old sticky and caked on food residue and was not clean to sight and touch.
- Observed rear kitchen flooring, PVC piping, floor drains and walls throughout the entire rear kitchen area of the food facility is extremely dirty with black encrusted grease, old food debris, misc. aqueous material, trash and static dust, and in need of immediate cleaning.
- Observe flooring and walls of sushi area is extremely dirty, dusty, and in need of immediate cleaning.
- Working containers of sanitizer solution used for storing chemicals/cleaning taken from bulk supplies, were not marked with the common name of the chemical.
- Food employees observed in kitchen area, not wearing proper hair restraints, such as nets and hats at the time of inspection.
- Observed front dining area window seal having a large accumulation of deceased flies/gnats (50+) at the time of inspection.
- The Person in Charge does not have adequate knowledge of food safety in this food facility as evidenced by this non-compliant inspection.
- Observed food (shrimp, egg rolls) store on cook’s line refrigerator unit is stored open with no covering.
- Observed sides of grill/wok & fryers within kitchen area, with a large accumulation of encrusted grease, dirt and old food residue on non-food contact surfaces and in need of cleaning.
- Observed bottom shelf of rear prep table not cleaned at a frequency to preclude large accumulation of dirt and soil.
- Observed counter-top and shelving of sushi area surfaces not cleaned at a frequency to preclude large accumulation of dirt, old food and soil.
- Observed wall in the rear area underneath three (3) compartment sink, is cracked / roughened / and is not a smooth, easily cleanable surface.
- Screen door located in the rear kitchen area of the food facility has a gap (top & bottom) and does not protect against the entry of insects, rodents, and other animals.
- Wall in the rear area underneath three-compartment sink, has a hole, or is broken and in need of repair.
Manager's comment: The manager said a follow-up inspection has since been done and the violations have been addressed.
Inspected July 5, 2019
Myers’ Meats and Grocery, Conewago Township
- Observed door handle closure broken at deli walk-in refrigeration door, preventing complete closure of door.
- Loose rubber door gaskets observed on refrigeration equipment throughout facility.
- Observed saw located in meat grinding area, not in good repair or condition, observed to have rust.
- Floor underneath shelving throughout walk-in refrigeration and preparation areas is extremely dirty, dusty, and in need of cleaning.
- Food employees observed in all food preparation areas, not wearing proper hair restraints, such as nets, hats, or beard covers.
- Oven handle observed to be repaired with duct tape.
- Observed excessive rusting on shelves within three-door refrigerator in deli display area.
- Observed ice build-up around walk-in freezer door, preventing complete closure of door.
- Observed food mixer in food prep area to have food residue and was not clean to sight or touch.
- The Person in Charge does not demonstrate adequate knowledge of food safety in this food facility as evidenced by this non-compliant inspection
- Prepackaged soups and popcorn is not labeled properly with the ingredient statement; no statement regarding ingredient availability provided.
- Observed utensils stored with non-food contact equipment (tools) in broken containers at food prep area.
- Women's toilet room is not provided with a covered waste receptacle for sanitary napkins.
- Observed packaged food (marshmallows) stored on top of a container containing chemicals (freon) in back storage area.
- Observed raw shell eggs stored over ready-to-eat food in display refrigeration.
- Observed in-use knives stored within knife holder, an area not easily cleanable & sanitized, on wall in deli case area.
- Observed food stored directly on the floor throughout facility rather than six inches off the floor as required.
- Observed deeply scored cutting boards not resurfaced or discarded as required throughout facility.
- Observed single-use containers used as scoops for food within deli display cases.
- Non-food contact surfaces, underneath scaled on food prep table, not cleaned at a frequency to preclude accumulation of dirt and soil.
- Food employee observed storing clean food equipment while wet, and not allowing time for draining and/or air-drying above three-compartment sink.
- Back exit door located in the loading dock area of the food facility has a gap and does not protect against the entry of insects, rodents, and other animals.
Manager's comment: A manager said that a follow-up inspection has since been done and violations have been corrected.
https://www.ydr.com/story/news/2019/07/24/york-county-restaurant-inspections-three-restaurants-one-grocer-out-york-buffet/1802321001/ 2019-07-24 10:00:00Z
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