274 North St., Harrisburg
Inspection date: Jun 20, 2019
Inspection type: Complaint (Out of compliance)
--Food in the fridge area stored open with no covering.
--Observed chicken stock food stored directly on the floor in area, rather than six inches off of the floor as required....discardrd
--Observed soup stored under dirty ventilation ducts/ceiling and subject to potential contamination.
--Wet wiping cloths are not being stored in sanitizing buck
--The food facility does not have a hand-wash sink located in the food prep / ware-washing area.
--Women's toilet room is not provided with a covered waste receptacle for sanitary napkins.
--Thermometers for ensuring proper temperatures of food are not available or readily accessible.
--Cutting boards are stained and scored...needs replacing
--No sign or poster posted at the hand-wash sink in the warewash area to remind food employees to wash their hands.
--The hand-wash sink in the area does not have single-use towels, continuous towels, or air drying device.
--Cigarettes, cigarette butts, ashtray found on the dishwasher shelf in the kitchen area during the inspection.
--Toaster, a food contact surface, was observed to have food residue and was not clean to sight and touch.
--No hot water in the men's bathroom
--Sink in ladies bathroom off the wall
--A food employee was observed washing their hands at the prep sink rather than the designated hand-wash sink.
--Hood system in need of cleaning and update of fire supression system
https://expo.pennlive.com/life-and-culture/g66l-2019/07/4e0a4dbe951730/sink-off-the-wall-soup-stored-under-dirty-ducts-dauphin-county-restaurant-inspections.html 2019-07-11 17:04:07Z
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