Friday, July 26, 2019

Raw chicken, beef stored above veggies: Cumberland County restaurant inspections - PennLive

6520 Carlisle Pike, Mechanicsburg

Inspection date: Jul 2, 2019

Inspection type: Regular (Out of compliance)


--The Person in Charge does not demonstrate adequate knowledge of food safety in this food facility as evidenced by this non-compliant inspection.

--Observed clean food containers above the three-bay sink, stored wet in a manner that does not allow for draining and/or air drying (wet nesting).

--Food Employee observed donning single-use gloves without a prior hand wash and handling money, then handling equipment without washing hands.

--Ice cream cones are displayed for consumers in a container with no means to prevent hand contact contamination.

--Observed a cell phone stored directly on a prep table in the kitchen.

--Observed pink residue on the deflector plate inside the ice machine.

--Observed a container of utensils stored in the hand-wash sink in the kitchen.

--Paper towel dispenser is missing at the mandwash sink in the kitchen.

--Observed small holes in the wall at the front hand-wash sink and in the wall of the women's restroom that need filled.

--Hot water is not available at the hand-wash sinks in the men's and women's restroom. (Hot water is working in the kitchen)

Let's block ads! (Why?) 2019-07-26 09:45:00Z

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